Think Dads
A positive father-child relationship is linked to improved outcomes in children’s education, behaviour, health and emotional & social development.

Over the last eight years, SSBC has been working with fathers/male caregivers and partners with the ambition to create systemic change to service delivery to ensure.’ Fathers in Nottingham City feel supported in their parenting role.’
SSBC is committed to ensuring that dads and male carers are valued by services to support their children to grow up happy,
healthy and confident.

Think Dads Training
A positive father-child relationship is linked to improved outcomes in children’s education, behaviour, health and emotional & social development.
SSBC is committed to ensuring that dads and male carers are valued by services to support their children to grow up happy, healthy and confident.
This training course has been designed for all members of the children’s workforce, including health services, council teams and community and voluntary services.
SSBC aims to support services to incorporate fathers in day to day practice, ensuring that fathers feel welcomed and valued.
The training aims to:
- Increase your awareness of Father Inclusive Practice
- Understand how to support Fathers and offer them advise
- Provide you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to approach Father Inclusive Practice in your own workplace
- Create a Father Inclusive workforce
- If you work with children and families and wish to attend the training:
Multiple dates BOOK HERE

Consultation with Fathers - a Summary
Father Inclusive Practice is one of SSBC's key system change outcomes. Recognising the important role fathers and male caregivers play in the lives of children is very much part of the committment we have to improving developmental outcomes for children under four.

Father inclusion in the Family Hubs: What works in engaging dads
On the 8th October 2024, professionals, partners and policy makers from across the family hub partnership attended a one day workshop to explore the work taking place with father inclusive practice in the national Start For Life and Family Hub programmes.
The workshop was hosted in partnership with the Centre for Innovation in Fatherhood and Family Research at the University of Lincoln and the National Institute for Health and Care Research Yorkshire and Humber Applied Research Collaborative (NIHR Y&H ARC).
Hosted by Scott Mair of Fatherhood Solutions/Fatherhood Network Scotland, the programme for the day brought together the following speakers:
- Anna Bedford, Joint Deputy Head of Early Years and Prevention, Anna Freud Centre
- Professor Anna Tarrant, Centre for Innovation in Fatherhood and Family Research, University of Lincoln
- Felicity Callon, Senior Project Officer, Small Steps Big Changes, Nottingham
- Kevin Stoodley, CEO, North East Young Dads and Lads
- FutureMen, London
- Alex Paterson, Best Beginnings
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