Improving Access to Diverse Communities from an Early Years Lens

This shared learning webinar focused on the approaches and strategies employed by the SSBC partnership to reach some of the more diverse communities we work with. It was opened by Liz Pemberton, Director of The Black Nursery Manager, a training and consultancy firm which provides training for organisations and individuals who wish to work towards adopting anti-racist practice within early years settings.
The presentation slides alongside a SSBC Insight Report are all available to download by clicking on the appropriate button to the right.
SSBC Insight Report: Improving Access to Diverse Communities from an Early Years' Lens
DownloadLiz Pemberton, Director of The Black Nursery Manager presentation slides
DownloadDr Nadine Otting, SSBC Research and Learning Officer presentation slides
DownloadEarly Intervention Speech and Language team presentation slides
DownloadShifting Your Mindset presentation slides
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